Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Families Really Can Be Together Forever (Part II REFUGIO)

In a talk I heard someone important say that no child who has grown up into an adult looks back to his or her childhood and fondly remembers the remodeled bathroom.  Good childhood memories almost always have to do with family tradition, vacations and activities.  While we did not have all the money in the world to spend when our kids were young, we still had enough to have choices on how we spent our time and money. 

We sort of just fell into this tradition by accident:  CAMPING AT THE BEACH!  When my oldest was eleven and my youngest was one we came to visit our good friends when they were camping at Carpenteria.  Although we had planned on a one night stay, we ended up staying longer -- everyone was having so much fun!  The next year we made reservations for a whole week and have been camping at the beach every year since -- my youngest is twenty eight now.  This tradition grew to include many families and friends over the years. This year Bill and I witnessed our grandchildren playing on the beach with our friends' grandchildren.  Dejavu! 


  1. It's so true! I will always remember Refugio. It was always so much fun. It's the one thing I would look forward to every year. I am sad that the tradition has died for my family, but I hope I can start a tradition like that for my own family. It must be so fun to see your grandkids enjoying the tradition now.

  2. So glad you stuck with this tradition... the grandgirls talk about it all the time... and you raised a wonderful too!
